Stock video, like stock photography, is created and made to be used more than once in different contexts. Users of stock video can buy it for their projects to save them from having to film their own footage. This saves on the time and reduces the costs associated with their project and has made stock…
Which Are the Best Applications For Post-Processing Video & Photo?
Post processing, also known as post production or editing, is a vital part of the workflow of creatives and refers to everything which goes on after you have taken the actual photo or shot the video. The entire endeavor of post processing is highly subjective and so it’s hard to pin down specific rules or…
How To Choose A Camera To Shoot Video
In the early days of the silver screen and videography the only options available for recording moving pictures were extremely expensive and bulky cameras that were used in the big studios of Hollywood. Fast forward nearly a hundred years and today there is such a wide range of consumer level cameras that can record high…
What Is The Best Camera To Buy For A Beginner Photographer?
For entry level photographers choosing your first camera can be daunting with the huge selection of models that are currently available and new cameras coming onto the market all the time. We’ll break down the basics and leave you a better idea of what to look for so you can be confident in finding the…