Regardless of whether you’re a new and aspiring writer or an established freelancer, getting your work published in photography magazines can be a tough, uphill struggle. The process can also appear to be confusing and lack proper transparency, but with hard work and determination you can still have your work published in the top magazines…
Writing About Photography – What You Need To Know
If photography is your passion and you’ve been wondering how you can expand the services you can provide; then writing about the subject is a fantastic way to further your understanding of the artform as well as potentially earning a handy side income. You can use the income that you make from your photography writing…
Complete Guide To Learning Photography From YouTube
The near ubiquitous video sharing platform, YouTube, has opened up incredible learning opportunities for people all over the world by providing free videos for those wishing to learn new skills and connect with educators. Every possible field is covered by experts on the platform and photography is no exception. No matter what you want to…
Great Services That A Photographer Can Offer Remotely
Photographers have a wide range of high value skills and as a result can deliver services to clients and students in a remote way. A remote worker is someone who works from a different location to the client they are working for, usually online. It may sound a bit contradictory to say that a photographer…
Easy Guide To Photography For Students And Beginners
When you start out in photography there’s going to be a lot you need to learn! Students of photography are presented with huge amounts of information and it can be hard to pick out the most important things to understand, learn and master in order to rapidly improve and grasp the fundamental techniques that will…