Every photo has a background and more often than not this is largely dictated by the location that the photo is shot in; and so selecting a good location for your photo shoot is fundamental to achieving the results you envisioned. The location of a photo will inevitably form an integral part of the narrative…
Easy Guide To Videography For Beginners
Videography plays an incredibly important role in marketing, real estate, entertainment and informational pieces, with the average person online spending almost 3 times longer on a page with a video than one without! When a company or website includes video in their promotional or explanatory materials they can massively increase their audience engagement, and so,…
Complete Guide To Graphic Design
I am an Information Technology Engineer. Graphic design is one of my favorite areas within IT. In this article I wanted to write about my thoughts on graphic design and also review Pixelo, a design bundle that I use to help me with my work. Graphic design bundles like the ones offered by Pixelo can…