Many of the most breathtaking photos that you’ve ever seen include dramatic skies that set the mood for the entire scene you are viewing. Each sky, with its clouds and subtle range of hues, is completely unique and will only ever happen once; so if you can capture that special moment in your work you…
How To Overcome Challenges Faced By Landscape Photographers
Landscape photography seeks to capture the magnificence of the natural world around us, portraying nature and the fleeting human experience of being amongst it. However, as any photographer who has tried their hand at landscape photography will tell you, there are some serious challenges that you need to learn to overcome. In the first instance,…
List Of Things You Should Avoid As A New Photographer
Photography is a wonderfully diverse artform with an enormous scope to express yourself and create unique compositions; however, despite this there are certain pitfalls that are unfortunately all too common, even among professionals! By learning about the potential pitfalls, including some which you may be doing yourself, you can begin to avoid them and improve…
Which Camera Is The Best For Landscape Photography?
Landscape photography is one of the oldest and most popular genres of photography that allows viewers to experience the magnificence of the world they live in. Choosing the right camera for landscape photography is a difficult task, in large part because of the huge list of features that every modern camera’s marketing pitch promotes. When…
How To Choose A Camera To Shoot Video
In the early days of the silver screen and videography the only options available for recording moving pictures were extremely expensive and bulky cameras that were used in the big studios of Hollywood. Fast forward nearly a hundred years and today there is such a wide range of consumer level cameras that can record high…