Travel photography is one of the most evocative, powerful and popular genres of photography, and whether you work in a professional capacity or as a keen hobbyist there are many ways that you can improve your photos. The best travel photography can truly capture the imaginations of your audience and evoke a real sense of…
How To Overcome Challenges Faced By Landscape Photographers
Landscape photography seeks to capture the magnificence of the natural world around us, portraying nature and the fleeting human experience of being amongst it. However, as any photographer who has tried their hand at landscape photography will tell you, there are some serious challenges that you need to learn to overcome. In the first instance,…
Ways In Which You Can Photograph Yourself Like A Professional
Selfies have flooded the internet in recent years but, as a general rule, they are low quality and limited by the length of people’s arms! Using your phone is a convenient way to quickly snap a picture of yourself in a memorable location but you can get much better results if you use a professional…
Great Ways To Introduce Perspectives In Your Photography
Perspective can certainly be a slightly confusing subject to wrap your head around but fundamentally it refers to the way in which our 3 dimensional world is represented in a 2 dimensional format. Correctly using perspective allows photographers to represent a sense of depth in their work and gives the viewer the visual clues they…
Complete Guide To Vanishing Points In Photography
A vanishing point is created on a 2 dimensional image to give a sense of depth that imitates the 3 dimensional reality it portrays. A vanishing point is a spot on the image where converging sets of parallel lines come together to give perspective, depth and the illusion of an apparently 3 dimensional image on…
How To Achieve Simplicity in Your Photography
You’ve heard it said a thousand times, that sometimes ‘less is more’, but never is it truer than in the world of photography. In photography it is often the case that simplicity and exactness can be the key compositional elements that make an image stand out from the rest. Simplicity in photography does not refer…
Why Are Leading Lines Important In Photography?
‘Leading lines’ refer to a powerful compositional technique where the photographer uses shapes, lines and other features within the image to draw the eyes of the viewer towards the chosen subject matter of the photo. Leading lines allow the photographer to control the way their audience visually interacts with the subjects of their work and…