Many of the most breathtaking photos that you’ve ever seen include dramatic skies that set the mood for the entire scene you are viewing. Each sky, with its clouds and subtle range of hues, is completely unique and will only ever happen once; so if you can capture that special moment in your work you…
List Of Things You Should Avoid As A New Photographer
Photography is a wonderfully diverse artform with an enormous scope to express yourself and create unique compositions; however, despite this there are certain pitfalls that are unfortunately all too common, even among professionals! By learning about the potential pitfalls, including some which you may be doing yourself, you can begin to avoid them and improve…
Great Ways Of Showing Scale In Landscape Photography
Creating a sense of scale in your landscape photography will bring the image to life and can have a huge effect on how your audience will perceive and interpret the meaning of the shot. Incorporating elements and techniques that help your viewers to measure themselves in relation to the image increases engagement and the impact…
Complete Guide To One Subject Photography
Selecting a single subject for a photograph, or a series of photographs, is an effective way of focusing your attention and making a deep exploration of it. This technique can be used in many different ways to portray a subject; and whether it’s a human being, a building or even a hurricane, it’s a powerful…
What Are the Best Practices For An Aspiring Videographer?
Every practicing videography must master the basic techniques and rules in order to learn how you can break them! As with any artform the rules are made to be broken but it is necessary to know and understand them first! Working in a coherent way with the basic rules in mind will allow you to…
Great Ways To Practice Videography
Practice makes perfect and if you’re working towards becoming the very best videographer that you can be then you’re going to need plenty of it! Videography is a highly complex artform and although it has similarities to photography, it also requires a variety of different skill sets and techniques. To work as a videographer you…
Why Is Pre-visualization Important In Photography?
Pre-visualization, or Previz for short, is a fundamental technique that is used by photographers everywhere to help them improve the final results of their work. Pre-visualization is the act of imagining, or ‘seeing’ the finished photo before the shot is even taken. This takes practice and mental focus but as you become better at the…
Easy Guide To Photography For Students And Beginners
When you start out in photography there’s going to be a lot you need to learn! Students of photography are presented with huge amounts of information and it can be hard to pick out the most important things to understand, learn and master in order to rapidly improve and grasp the fundamental techniques that will…
How To Learn Photography On Your Own Without Training
Photography is a fascinating art form that has undergone unparalleled evolution in the past few decades. Huge improvements in camera technologies have made hitherto inaccessible cameras available to the general consumer markets and with these advancements a massive increase in interest in the field has followed. But can you really teach yourself photography or do…
Complete Guide To Golden Ratio In Photography
The Golden Ratio is one of the most eye catching compositional techniques that photographers can use in their work. The Golden Ratio and the Fibonnaci. The Golden Ratio is 1 to 1.618. The use of this ratio in art and sculpture was popularized during the Renaissance in Europe by artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci…