Disposable cameras were all the rage in the 1990’s but since the introduction of the relatively low cost digital and mobile phone cameras they have taken something of a back seat in the world of photography. Nonetheless, they still maintain a strange kind of charm and have practical and artistic uses in many different situations….
Which Are The Best Tripods For Photography And Videography
There are many high quality video tripods on the market but when it comes to making the right selection it can be tricky to know where to start. You might be wondering whether or not you really need a tripod but the truth of the matter is that if you want to be producing professional…
Great Signs That You Are A Photophile
The word photography comes from the Greek root words of ‘photos’, which means ‘light’, and ‘graphe’ which means a ‘representation’ of something, usually using lines or by drawing. Together, the words ‘photos’ and ‘graphe’ roughly mean ‘drawing with light’. This is a quite an elegant way of describing the art of photography since the practise…