Photography can often be a solitary art which requires long hours of work, late nights and plenty of studying to keep up to date with the latest trends and technologies, particularly if you’re a professional or a working freelancer. To compound this, it’s not always easy to meet people in your daily life who share…
Important Things To Know About Professional Food Photography
Food blogging and food photography has seen a massive increase in popularity as people take their diets and the food they eat more seriously than ever before! This means that food photographers are enjoying a wide range of opportunities, working with major food brands, blogs, food websites, cookery brands and much more besides! There’s no…
Photography Studio Manager – What You Need To Know.
A professional studio is a busy place that is a constant hive of activity as various projects, photoshoots and events take place throughout the week. Every studio needs to be carefully managed to maintain its efficiency and productivity even in the fast paced and ever changing environment. The specific duties of a photography studio manager…
List Of Things You Should Avoid As A New Photographer
Photography is a wonderfully diverse artform with an enormous scope to express yourself and create unique compositions; however, despite this there are certain pitfalls that are unfortunately all too common, even among professionals! By learning about the potential pitfalls, including some which you may be doing yourself, you can begin to avoid them and improve…
Great Ways Of Flying Efficiently With Your Camera Gear
We all know that sometimes flying can be a real ordeal, even at the best of times, but when you’re travelling with your camera gear there’s a whole new raft of things that you need to consider! There are so many ways that your camera equipment can get damaged or lost while you’re travelling by…
How To Find The Best Photography Tour
Photography tours are a unique way to learn about your camera, explore a new country or place and meet like minded fellow travelers and potential friends for life. They are designed to be a trip that gives you the best photo opportunities in spectacular and usual locations while you receive advice and tips from a…
What You Should Consider Before Investing In A Prime Lens
A prime lens is a type of lens that has a fixed focal length as opposed to a zoom lens which has a variable focal length. Traditionally, the term ‘prime lens’ has often been used to refer to the primary lens in a system of combination lenses. In this case, the prime, or primary lens,…
Which are the Best Photography Channels On YouTube
If you take the time to explore the incredible environment of YouTube you’re bound to run across some amazing channels that cover everything from DIY studio tricks to advanced composition, lighting and technical skills being taught by experts. Learning about photography on YouTube is a convenient, engaging and free way to brush up on your…
Complete Guide To Videography Equipment For Beginners
Videography is one of the most rewarding jobs there is however due to the relatively high costs of much of the associated equipment the barriers to entry can seem quite daunting if you are just starting out. However you can get yourself a great kit together on a small budget when you are beginning and…
Complete Guide To Disposable Cameras
Disposable cameras were all the rage in the 1990’s but since the introduction of the relatively low cost digital and mobile phone cameras they have taken something of a back seat in the world of photography. Nonetheless, they still maintain a strange kind of charm and have practical and artistic uses in many different situations….