Why you should Definitely have a website to promote your Photography? Once you’ve started to take some great photographs you will have a natural desire to share them with other people. Creating a good web presence is one of the most important ways that you can do so, not only bringing new audiences to your…
Best Locations In The United States For Photography
The United States of America is a vast country with one of the most varied landscapes, places and sights to see and photography in the world. From the huge cities on the East Coast to the Rocky Mountains, from the Nevada desert to the tropical coastlines of Florida; every photographer has a bucket list of…
Great Ways You Can Photograph Tall Buildings
High rise photography is an emotive type of photography that expresses the incredible achievements of human engineering and our place in that new and growing world. Only 100 hundred years ago most people on the planet would never even have seen a photograph of, yet alone a real, high rise building in their entire lives!…
Why Is No One Policing The Bicyclists In Philadelphia?
One of the first things that comes to mind when we talk about Amsterdam is how bike friendly the city is. It is true that the city is very bike friendly. But is it pedestrian friendly? NOTE: The featured photo above shows a cyclist trying to squeeze between two elderly cyclists and me in Rittenhouse…