If you have a passion for photography and are considering turning your pastime into a career, then photography school is an excellent, tried and tested route to achieve your dreams. Whether you’re completely new to photography or slightly more experienced, then photography school could be the ingredient which sets you on the right path to…
Reasons Why Business Partnerships Are Important For Photographers
Working as a photographer is a fantastic job but you may have wondered whether or not you should partner with other photographers or local businesses. It’s natural that you want to grow your photography business to build bigger profits and forming strategic partnerships is one way to do this. Before you decide to set out…
Important Reasons Why Photographers Need A YouTube Channel
Only a few short years ago YouTube was the new kid on the block but today it is undoubtedly the top video sharing platform on the net. There’s a dizzying array of videos covering every imaginable topic, and some you couldn’t imagine; and so should photographers be starting their own YouTube channels and can they…