A Google Trusted Photographer is a photographer, usually a freelancer, who has been officially certified by Google to produce virtual tours and photos of private properties and businesses that are displayed on Google Maps and Google Street View. A Trusted Photographer is not technically an employee of Google and works on their own volition however…
How To Make A Difference As A Volunteer Photographer
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and if you have talents that are in high demand then your efforts will be extremely well received. Photography is one of the most diverse and sought after skills in the modern world and so if you have experience and knowledge you can really…
Complete Guide To Event Videography
Events videography is a thriving industry that is growing in demand as corporate events organizers seek to make the most of the special days they have planned. Creating a permanent video record of the highlights, the venue and the action of the day is a fantastic team building tool for the company and helps to…
How To Calculate The Cost Of Wedding Photography
When you’re planning your wedding then you want everything to be absolutely perfect and that includes your memories of the big day. Of course you want to make sure the menu and the food is fantastic and that the ceremony goes smoothly but when it comes to the photography it’s always best to take on…
How Do You Make A Professional Real Estate Video?
Real estate is one of the fastest paced and high stakes industries in the world and as a result realtors do everything they can to provide the best services possible for their clients. For many years it was the standard to include some photos of the property in the marketing materials however in the modern…
How To Make A Photography Zine
A Zine is a self published piece of work that is produced in a magazine format. Zines enjoyed a huge wave of popularity in the 1980s and 1990s however since the introduction of the internet they have somewhat faded into the background. In the early days of the internet platforms such as MySpace and Blogspot…
Great Ways To Grow And Diversify Your Photography Business
Working as a professional photographer is an exciting, fast paced and competitive job and if you’re struggling to make ends meet or just want to increase your income, then diversifying your business is a reliable strategy to achieve this. The economy has been going through some ups and downs recently and one of the ways…
How To Market Your Real Estate Photography Business
Once you have the right equipment and lens, an up to date portfolio and the necessary skills to work in the industry you will need to market your services effectively and in the right places to attract customers to your fledgling business. There are many different ways that you can work in the real estate…
How To Outsource Post Processing Of Photos And Videos
There are many reasons why you might be wanting to outsource the post production work in your photography business or practise. It could be that you know a photography editor who is really amazing, super talented and available to help you out. Otherwise you could be extremely busy and with deadlines fast approaching you need…
What Are The Advantages Of Being A Certified Photographer?
Any photographer, but particularly a working professional, wants to stand out from the competition and secure new clients throughout their career. There are a wide range of courses, degrees and qualifications that you can pursue in order to boost your resume and authority in the industry but one of the best routes you can take…