Travel photography is one of the most evocative, powerful and popular genres of photography, and whether you work in a professional capacity or as a keen hobbyist there are many ways that you can improve your photos. The best travel photography can truly capture the imaginations of your audience and evoke a real sense of…
Important Things To Know About Professional Food Photography
Food blogging and food photography has seen a massive increase in popularity as people take their diets and the food they eat more seriously than ever before! This means that food photographers are enjoying a wide range of opportunities, working with major food brands, blogs, food websites, cookery brands and much more besides! There’s no…
List Of Things You Should Avoid As A New Photographer
Photography is a wonderfully diverse artform with an enormous scope to express yourself and create unique compositions; however, despite this there are certain pitfalls that are unfortunately all too common, even among professionals! By learning about the potential pitfalls, including some which you may be doing yourself, you can begin to avoid them and improve…
Things You Should Do After Buying A New Lens
After you’ve bought a new camera lens you’ll have to overcome your initial excitement of upgrading your setup and take the time to properly inspect it to ensure that it’s all working correctly and has no manufacturing faults. Of course, you’ll want to get straight out there and start working on your projects but before…
Great Ways In Which You Can Photograph Graduations
Graduations are a hugely significant moment in the life of the students who have worked hard and passed their exams to reach another coming of age milestone in the course of their life. Graduation photographers work to capture the magic moments that make up this memorable day but because of the environment, atmosphere and number…
Complete Guide To One Subject Photography
Selecting a single subject for a photograph, or a series of photographs, is an effective way of focusing your attention and making a deep exploration of it. This technique can be used in many different ways to portray a subject; and whether it’s a human being, a building or even a hurricane, it’s a powerful…
What You Need To Know About Filling The Frame In Photography
When you’re working with a subject, whether it’s a person or an object, you always need to keep the overall composition in mind. One of the central aspects of composing an image is to consider how you are going to balance the positive and negative space in the frame. The positive space in a photo…
What You Should Consider Before Investing In A Prime Lens
A prime lens is a type of lens that has a fixed focal length as opposed to a zoom lens which has a variable focal length. Traditionally, the term ‘prime lens’ has often been used to refer to the primary lens in a system of combination lenses. In this case, the prime, or primary lens,…
Which Camera Is The Best For Landscape Photography?
Landscape photography is one of the oldest and most popular genres of photography that allows viewers to experience the magnificence of the world they live in. Choosing the right camera for landscape photography is a difficult task, in large part because of the huge list of features that every modern camera’s marketing pitch promotes. When…
How Do You Make A Professional Real Estate Video?
Real estate is one of the fastest paced and high stakes industries in the world and as a result realtors do everything they can to provide the best services possible for their clients. For many years it was the standard to include some photos of the property in the marketing materials however in the modern…