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Ever since photography was first invented it’s potential was enormous and although it wasn’t until the early years of the 20th Century that it became available to the public at large, its early pioneers always understood its value. Photography has numerous benefits both to the individual and society as a whole.
The Benefits of Photography for the Individual.
Photography has many benefits for the individual and whether you are a photographer or someone who appreciates it for artistic, historical and cultural reasons, it’s the amazing gift that keeps on giving as technology continues to improve and more people have access to better cameras and more photographs than ever before!
- Photography allows you to express your creativity in a way that is easy to share with your friends, family and loved ones. Getting into photography is an amazing outlet for creative people to compose unique images that show how they see the world around them. Sharing these pictures with other people helps to connect on a deeper level and is always a fascinating conversation starter, a great way to meet new people and can really allow for strong bonds to be formed with others.

- Photography can help to relieve stress and improve your general mood. When you are on a photo walk or taking photos in the city, it’s a great way to forget about the day to day problems that might otherwise keep you up at night! It’s fun to take photos and doing it regularly will improve your mood, keep you engaged in the present moment and help you to appreciate the beauty around you. Photography is something that you can always enjoy on your own, in a photography group or with friends. Walking the streets of Philadelphia, photographing the buildings, the parks and the various activities is one of the most pleasurable things that I do every week.
- Photography can help you with your confidence. Taking pictures and engaging with your creative side will improve your self esteem and build up your confidence. Anyone, even if they are a little shy, can take outstanding photos with a bit of study, practice and hard work; and as you begin to snap stunning and high quality images you will rightly feel great about yourself. Sharing your photos online, on social media or on a blog, is an easy way to get some feedback about your work and when you get nice comments you’ll feel a million dollars! So take the leap and don’t be hesitant about putting your creative self forward in the world because the benefits will always outweigh the risks!
- Photography is a social activity through which people can bond and form lasting friendships. Taking photos with other people is an easy way to make new friends while sharing a common interest. You can join a local photography group near you and during the meetups you will naturally bond with new people over your shared love of the craft! It’s easy to find photography groups near you if you search the internet, check out notice boards in libraries and universities or look on social media.

- Photography is a good way to get exercise in a fun way that you won’t notice! Sometimes it can seem like a chore to take a walk to get your daily exercise and although you know it will benefit your health, you just can’t quite get round to it! However, if you get into photography and take your camera with you on walks you will quickly find yourself forgetting all about the exercise in your search for new scenes, amazing views and pictures to snap! Turning your regular exercise into an enjoyable ‘mission’ to find stunning photo opportunities will really revolutionize your life and soon you’ll find that you never want to stop and spend all day looking forward to your walk!
- Photography can provide a fantastic full time living or a good side hustle. If you’re thinking about a change of career or just want to add a useful stream of income to your current earnings then photography is one way that you can do this while feeding your passion for creativity. You’ll need an entrepreneurial spirit to pull this one off but with a little bit of research and some dedicated time each week, you’ll soon find that you can create a handy side income with your photography. One of the reasons why I started to blog is to try and see if I can make additional income from my love for photography.
- Photography and Travel. If you are a real travel bug and love to explore new places, sites and cultures, then your camera can be an amazing asset on your journey. There are many practical reasons why photography will help you see the world. On the one hand, if you set up a Travel Blog and use your photographs to accompany your thoughts and impressions you can earn a good living through advertising, selling affiliate products and by donations that will help to keep you on the road! As well as financial rewards, when you are in foreign countries you will often find that the locals want to show you the very best of their culture, food, iconic buildings and the natural beauty of their lands! If you have a camera you are more likely to be shown the great things about their country and be able to record what you see.

- Photography immortalizes the important moments in our lives. From weddings, to parties and unforgettable days out with friends and family, photography is a wonderful way to quickly capture the moment for posterity. Albums and photo-books are treasured heirlooms and building up your own collection of memories in photographic form is a priceless possession that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.
The Benefits of Photography for Society.
As well being an incomparable outlet for individuals to express themselves photography has played a huge role in shaping the modern world. An image tells a thousand words and photography can speak to people across cultural, linguistic and temporal boundaries. Photography has helped to bring our world together and has allowed people to see the way their fellow human beings live all over the world.
Photography has helped the people of the world to foster compassion for each other and understanding for the ways that different cultures around the world live their daily lives. Photojournalists and war photographers have helped to expose crimes against humanity, the irresponsible pollution of the seas and the destruction of the rain forests, bringing much needed attention to the issues that matter the most.
Since the invention of photography it has played a major role in recording our shared history and helps the younger generations to understand the amazing story of human growth and development in the last hundred years. From photographs of the moon landings, images of the Vietnam war, the Civil rights movements and the fall of the Berlin Wall, nothing in the modern world has shaped the societal consciousness of its own past more than photography.
The Many Benefits of Photography are just Waiting for you to Discover.
Photography has many benefits for the individual and society as a whole. This precious shared asset has found a place in all of our hearts and looking ahead to the future, we would be right to expect that photography will continue to play a hugely positive role in all of our lives.
What is the one thing about photography that you like the most?
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